Sunday, January 25, 2015

Let's talk chalk

I have been loving chalkboard anything these days.  That love turned into the itch to get it in my house somewhere!!  Insert my garage door in my kitchen......

I thought it would be a cute place for the girls to color and to have some fun in the house.  So off to Home Depot I went to buy my paint.

One day, after dropping the girls at school I went to work.  Since the door was already white it was going to be pretty easy to get the chalk up before the girls came home.

This was one coat in.  I was loving it!!  But it needed an additional coat, so I waited a bit for the first to dry.  And then this happened............

I had placed the paint can on the dryer (to the left in the picture) on top of a towel.  Since the can, quart size, was pretty empty it didn't have the weight I thought it did.  And before I knew it I was in the middle of a murder scene of chalkboard paint!!  Thank goodness it was just the garage and I was able to wipe most of it up.  And that I had enough for my second coat!  I still have a stain by the rug.  I have dubbed it the house's chalkboard battle wound.

And just like that I had a nice crisp chalkboard door, with time to spare to get the girls.  And just in time for decorating it for our Halloween party in a few days.  Here is the door for Halloween....

A friend of mine had used these chalk markers on a project of hers and I loved them.  They are a clean look and didn't leave chalk dust all over the floor.  I found them at Michael's.  They come in packs of 4 with different colors, but are pretty pricey.  Hello Michael's coupons!!

And here was our Christmas design!  I have to say I was pretty in love with it.  Pinterest was my go to for fun ideas to make the door as festive as could be.  I decided to use classic white chalk this time because all of the ideas I loved on Pinterest used it.  I think it made the snow look more real on my directional sign and gave the whole door a more wintery feel.

I will keep you guys posted with how it goes now that the Holidays are over!!

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