Sunday, July 27, 2014


With the summer quickly coming to a wrap I started signing the girls up for their activities. So we decided to have Giada try out tae kwon do and see if it was an interest for her. She loves it!! Giada and Chris are in the introductory class together so it is even cuter to see them do the tae kwon do together!

This is a great bonding experience for them to do this class together. They have already come home with some pretty cool moves. And hearing Giada say' "Hiya!" Is priceless. 

Nicolette isn't old enough to join yet and wants to BADLY!  Here are some pictures of them in actions.....

So now we are up to 2 activities and counting. This school year will be jam packed with fun.  Call me Super Mom!

"Charyeot!!" This is the attention stance, where you put your arms up in the air and move them down to your sides. As Giada would say it, chitty up. 

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