Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Not your average.......grilled cheese

When I'm into cooking I'm into it. Other times I don't want to cook a thing.....good thing for Chris that I'm into it more than not. As much as I pride myself on cooking clean, once and a while I like a little "cheat" meal. But I still use healthy ingredients for these cheat meals. 

Here you go :)


Here is what you need: bread, butter, cheese, bacon (pork or turkey), fresh spinach and avocado. I made two sandwiches (for Chris and myself...I couldn't eat two in one sitting or maybe I could?!) so use half an avocado for each sandwich. 

Cook your bacon to your desire and set aside. 

Then lightly butter your bread and place it in the pan and add cheese. I like using shredded for this sandwich because it melts evenly and doesn't overwhelm the sandwich. 

Then add your bacon and spinach. I cooked the bacon VERY well done to Chris' liking. So obviously cook it as well as you like. The more well done the crunchier the bacon which is a nice mix with the soft spinach and creamy avocado. 

Then add your sliced avocado, flip the two slices together and remove from pan. Again "grill" your bread to your desire. 

And you have a delicious sandwich!! Serve it with your favorite side, fruits or veggies. 

I chose to add cherries since they are DELICIOUS right now :)

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