Monday, August 4, 2014


I can't believe July (a.k.a. my birthday month) flew by as fast as it did. Summer is now coming to an end and we had a busy month packed with activities and events. So here is our monthly review in photos. Enjoy!

Her first time sleeping in her new bed. 

Birthday celebration for my brother. caption needed........

My clowns don't need a car, they wanted to see how many could fit in a box!

My birthday brunch with my loves. 

Her new shoes for school! Styled by hers truly. 

Nighttime snuggles is their new favorite thing!  I see them sleeping together soon :)

This is very rare for them. So I take advantage when I can and.......

Take a selfie with my love!!

Less than a week into August and the month is getting busy fast!! 

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