Monday, June 23, 2014

Lazy day

We had a busy start to our weekend with the kids being away from each other for two days. They were both busy with grandparents. So it was only appropriate that Sunday was a nice, quiet and lazy day together.  And the rainy weather helped us stay cozy on the couch. 

The girls enjoyed playing together and watching some Disney. Or really more like being mesmorized by Lilo & Stitch. 

So of course with lazy days comes snacks......

This house loves popcorn, especially Giada!  I really do not care for the microwavable bags. Mostly because of all the butter and salt that is in there. Even the "natural" versions are still extremely salty. Last week I was at Trader Joe's (my new obsession) and found organic popcorn kernels. WINNING!! I found the answer to my conflict with bagged popcorn. 

Let me tell you how EASY it was!

These two ingredients and a saucepan with a lid is all you need!  I put about two teaspoons (they were slightly heaping) of coconut oil in the pan and turned the stove top to medium. I added a few kernels at first to wait for them to pop before adding my half a cup of kernels. That is probably what took the longest, about 3 minutes. 

Then I added the half a cup and placed the lid on tightly. While waiting for the kernels to pop I was shifting the pan back and forth to get the kernels moving. And after about a minute and a half......

Freshly popped organic popcorn!!  I was very excited and happy how easy and fast it was. 

I served the popcorn to the girls as it was and I think I can say it was a hit. 

What else is better than popcorn and a movie?!  And especially dressed as Princess Belle!

And for Chris I did add a bit of Himalayan pink salt. All I will say is his bowl was empty pretty quickly...

I saved the leftover popcorn in a plastic container for later. Did you really think those little ladies ate the entire bowl of popcorn?! ;)


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