Friday, June 13, 2014

The day before

Today is a sad day for me! Any Mommy out there would understand.  My baby, Nicolette, is turning two tomorrow. Tomorrow she will no longer be my one year old toddler but a young preschooler. I have milked referring to her age for as long as I can, and tomorrow she will just be TWO!  Even though she is wise beyond her age and acts as if she is three or four she will forever be my baby. 

I have realized the more children you have the faster time flies by. I only have two, so I could not imagine having three or four children! I swear it was just yesterday that she surprised us with her arrival being 4 weeks early. 

My labor with her was so fast, yet very vivid, that I will always remember every detail leading up to her arrival. My first labor was induced and a long waiting game that it is more cloudy. Maybe also has something to do with that fact that once you have a second child all memories from the first become harder and harder to remember. 

I know this will not be the last time I say, "time is flying with my children" or "I can't believe you are __ years old" but today I will continue to say it because I'm allowed to on the last day of her being one!!

Nicolette, tonight I promise to hold you extra tight, snuggle you even more, kiss you one hundred times more and remind you that.....

You are my sunshine,
My special sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are gray,
You will ALWAYS know dear
How much I LOVE you!

Please don't take my sunshine away.......

1 comment:

Christopher said...
